Monday, April 18, 2011

More of the same

Monotype above, lithograph below.

Mixed media ink painting. The blue/green/purple patches are actually hand dyed silk that I sewed onto the paper (so some of those lines are black thread).

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old prints and New Series

These two are from a series of prints I made several years ago. I had kind of forgotten about these and stumbled across them while looking for something else this week. Now, I'm trying to remember the process and wondering if I can re-create it in my basement.

Yay! I remembered...this type of print is called a monotype, and it probably is possible to do this in my basement (a lot of printmaking requires special machinery and equipment). On a related note, there is a version of Dante's Inferno with really cool monotypes by Michael Mazur.

These were inspired by Klimt.
These are a series of sketches I made recently. I think these would make nice lithographs. I'll probably have to settle for quill and ink. Which is less labor intensive, so I guess that's okay.

Homage to Munch.

And finally, just so there's some color, this is a lithograph I printed on hand (my hand) dyed silk.
